Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm not really a beach person in the usual sense. I like to be able to see whats in tke water I'm in. Also, by the tiime you reach our age, bathing suits are better worn in private. And then there's pollution. Not to mention sunburns. The Maryland beaches are not my favorites, but certainiy Rehoboth beats Ocean City. Virginia Beach is my pick and October is the perfect time to go there. Actually, October is the perfect time to go anywhere in Virginia. There's Williamsburg nearby and lots of really good seafood restaurants. Then there's the Edgar Cayce Institute with a lovely meditation room that looks out over the ocean and a lunchtime prayer group. I had a really neat experience meditating there and projecting my thoughts out to the ocean where I imagined I was with a school of dolphin. After I left, I drove up the beach and stopped to walk by the ocean. Five dolphins swam by and just as they got in front of me the middle one flipped up and over and chattered at me.
I spent a miserable weekend in Ocean City about 6 or 7 years ago. My son-in-law, David, is a project manager for Balfour-Beatty Construction (formerly Centex Commercial Division) and they had a team-building week in Ocean City so my daughter Beth, her daughter Julia who was stiil a baby and my other granddaughter, Peyton, who was a toddler went down for the weekend. We had a good trip down and a wonderful meal at an off the main drag restaurant known only to the locals The motel was a little difficult with the kids because it had only outside big wooden steps and we were on the third floor and we had to go out to get to each others rooms. We woke up to a downpour Water was up to the curbs and flowing like streams The parkiing lot was ankle deep and everything and everybody was soaked.
There were a lot of young people around and they played in the streets including one who wore a yellow feather outfit like Big Bird, so we were somewhat entertained. Poor Peyton kept saying When are we going to the beach and it was hard to explain we were there and we were only a block off the boardwalk. We finally waded through the parking lot and went up near Rehoboth for lunch, soggy as we were. The rain stopped just at dusk so we had some time on the boardwalk. Fredericksburg is just half an hour from me and Colonial Beach is on the Potomac not far downstream from there. They had some good seafood restaurants there and its a more low key place, so we enjoyed it, but a hurricane a few years ago pretty much destroyed it and I haven't been down since so don''t know what they've restored.
Are you close to the ocean and do you go to the beach? Do you have a favorite?

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