Sunday, July 27, 2008


We don't know anything about Harry's early years. We first met him when Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Riggs adopted him from an animal shelter. We think he must have had a happy life because he is such a happy little fellow. He brought much joy to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Riggs and he, in turn, enjoyed walks with GGpaRiggs and visiting with guests and their greatgrandchildren. GGmaRiggs kept a spotless house and Harry was the perfect pet. Being mostly Shih Tzu, he did not shed and his manners were perfect. Sadly, the Riggs were in declining health. Not long after Great Grandma Riggs died, Great Grandpa Riggs needed care in a nursing home. Harry went to live with Grammy and Poppy in th e country. He missed his former life fiercely. He ran away twice. Both times he went to barbecues at neighbors up the road. It was then we realized Harry is a party dog. Somewhere along the way, his grief turned to anxiety. He made messes in the house and would not stay in a crate. Just at that same time, little Julia wanted a dog and her parents heard about Harry's plight. Harry hit the big time! He had a new home with fenced yard and dogs on both sides, Victoria the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel on the left and Chloe the Golden Retriever on the right. Harry has a Halloween costume and greets trick or treaters every fall. He has his own life jacket so he can go to the lake house and ride in the bass boat. He comes to the country with Grandma Nina, who calls him a Chinese Foo Dog because of his fangs. He has a strange relationship with Anna N'Kitty. When he arrives, he barks at her until she extends her claws and bops him on the head, whereupon he prances about happily. We don't know how old Harry is, but he is beginning to slow down. He isn't letting that stop him. Harry just retired to Grandma Nina's Assisted Living Farm for Old Dogs where he has constant companionship, food and drink always available, massages, petting and praising, and walks daily, and his very own pillow to sleep on beside Grandma Nina's bed.
Here's to Harry, the dog who knows how to live!
And how to leave gracefully. In the early morning hours of July 27, 2008, Harry Riggs Potter Jones peacefully slept away to join his beloved Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Riggs after a day of his favorite things with his favorite friends. His day started with a lavender scented baby shampoo bath followed by a lullaby just for him from Grandma Nina as she rocked him in her rocking chair. In the afternoon, he rode with Grandma Nina, Joe and Duffy to the Jones household where he was reunited with Precious, his cat, and met the new puppy
Bella Sweetpea. After a wonderful cooling swim with Julia and Joe, his favorite aroma of
steaks on the grill filled the air. as everyone sat around the pool and chatted. He knew he was the number one topic of conversation about his having trouble walking and about his labored breathhing, and he knew they all agreed it was almost time for a final trip to the vet. We all found him in the morning in his bed. He is buried on his path through the garden to the playground and there are flowers planted on his grave. He is missed.

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